About Our Company

The Engineering & Management Distrikt

10+ Years Experience In this game, Means Product

Being an active participant with the construction industry in India we have tried to analyze the pitfalls of the Indian construction projects, the reasons for time overrun, cost overrun and other lacunas.

It has been observed that there is a slot for fine tuning the project planning and execution With the aid of Construction Management Techniques which can considerably improve the Performance of project execution pattern, by which one, can avoid bumpy rides, unwanted Surprises and have a smooth landing.

Keeping the above in mind we want to utilize knowledge gained due to interaction from the Lowest soldiers to the generals in the construction industry and so decided to serve as a Construction & Management Company in the spirit a professional would do. It is envisioned to serve the construction industry as a specialized organization with a dedicated team, groom young Members who are likely to take the bastion in future.

As Construction & Management Company, we provide specialized support to construction industry as Project Managers or provide required back office support as may be sought. We emphasize meticulous planning for the time line both at macro level and micro level, create cost modules and set bench marks for individual milestones and monitor both the aspects of time and cost to the minute details.

We apply latest Construction Management Techniques appropriate in the Indian Context. To ensure quality standards we set transparent unambiguous specifications which are enforced through quality control checklists and avoid any chances of errors. Through our leak proof contract conditions we also ensure that no unwanted claims are logged by any agencies to harass others. We also strengthen the safety standards to the best achievable level. Journey

Having started with the above bench marking we have walked quite a distance in the last 5 years; developed a large client base, gained their confidence and in return, they have bestowed us with repeat assignments; from a meager strength of 2, we have now grown to a vibrant organization of 20 dedicated personnel consisting of engineers, architects, MEP engineers and supporting staff; groomed (as committed) to take challenging assignment.

Our Projects

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Main Office
  • F-2/11, LGF, Malviya Nagar,
    New Delhi, Pincode- 110017
  • +91-8368196274
  • vinod@temdistrikt.com
Head Office
  • D-21/1 Site-4, Greater Noida -UP
  • +91-9910696092
  • temdistrikt@gmail.com